Coffee-table Collection
This collection is inspired by the lagoons and cenotes in the state of Quintana Roo in Mexico: the movement of the tide and the change in topography reveal different materials shaping the intersection of earth and water. "Following the Tide" is an explosion erupted from the circular nucleus, dispersed into crushed Forest Green marble and aggregates of recuperated brass. It is composed in a pigmented resin on an oxidized bronze base.
Dimensions | W 193 cm, L 145 cm, H 40 cm
Materials | Forest Green Marble, Resin, Recuperated Brass Powder
Date of Completion | September 2019
Production | The Piecemakers @thepiecemakers_beirut and Marm Group @marmgroup
Photos | T Sakhi
Murano Lighting Totems
In search of deconstructing glass and recomposing it into new textures, we experimented with Venetian glassblowers in Murano by infusing various types of recuperated metal waste with recycled particles of glass, in different states and under diverse temperature calibrations. Different reactions were obtained between both materials; porosity, fragmentation, elasticity, molding, & miscibility. The resulting stone-like textures allows light to filter through and terrestrial reflections.
Materials | Murano, Recycled Metal
Production | Laguna B
Photos | T SAKHI